Thursday, October 16, 2014


Miro Musulin, born in Croatia in 1930, graduated from the Belgrade and Zagreb Academies of Fine Art. In 1961, he earned a Master of Arts degree from the Zagreb, Academy of Fine Art. He held the position of Professor of Art for seven years in Zagreb, teaching on a level equivalent to Junior College in the United States. He was commissioned by the republic of Croatia to design, build, and erect various statues, memorial busts, bas reliefs and monuments in Yugoslavia in 1962.

                                                      Life in the States
Shortly after his arrival in the United States in 1965 he received a permanent resident status. Professor Musulin taught at the International Institute of Greater Bridgeport, Inc., the Silver-mine School of the Arts, and continues to teach in his own studio in Westport, Conn. He is primarily a classical sculptor using what he calls "real" materials....marble, granite, wood, bronze and terra cotta....because he feels they are most adaptable to the themes of his work which have universal appeal. These do include motherhood, refugees, widows, dancers, children at play, torsos, and others motifs from life including portrait busts.
                                                    Coast to Coast Exhibitions
Professor Musulin has exhibited in Connecticut, New York and California. He is a yearly exhibitor and award-winner at the famous Washington Square Outdoor Art festival in New York City. Miro Musulin is a member of the Silv
ermine Guild off Artists; The Association of Croatian Artists in New York; The Connecticut Classic Art Club; The Bridgeport International Institute, and The Harbor Art Guild, Half Moon Bay, California.

Professor Musulin has consistently won top prizes at each show he has entered since 1966. His most recent award was first prize at the Roe Vogeney in New York City earlier this month.

Translated to Croatian                             

Akademski Kipar i Profesor Miro Musulin rođen je u Listopadu 1930. godine u Podaci. Osnovnu školu završio je u Podaci. Gimnaziju je pohađao u Makarskoj, srednju školu primijenjenih umjetnosti u Splitu a vojnu akademiju u Karlovcu. Akademiju primijenjenih umjetnosti pohađao je u Beogradu i Zagrebu gdje je i magistrirao 1961., što čini ukupnih 25 godina školovanja. Radio je kao profesor-pedagog na Kušlanovoj osmogodišnjoj školi u Zagrebu. Napravio je niz skulptura pomorskog karaktera, a od većih mu je radova spomenik u Vodnjanu (Istra), koji je izradio s bratom Lukom.
Godine 1965. odlazi u USA. Tu stvara svoju školu za likovno naukovanje, svoju izložbenu galeriju i atelje. Od 1965. do 1968. živi u Bridgeportu Conn. a od tada do 1987. je živio i radio u Westportu Conn. Za vrijeme boravka u USA bavi se isključivo profesionalnim poslom. Postaje član mnogobrojnih umjetničkih organizacija kao naprimjer The Association of Croatian Artists in New York; The Connecticut Classic Art Club; The Bridgeport International Institute i The Harbor Art Guild, Half Moon Bay, California.  Učestvuje u nizu zajedničkih i samostalnih izložbi, na kojima je probudio mnogo interesa i dobio međunarodno i internacionalno priznanje sa mnogobrojnim nagradama.
Text napisao 10-godišnji župnik Podace Aleksandar Ribičić u izdanju Podaca 1971. godine.

Na slici Akademski Kipar Miro Musulin (lijevo) i Luka Musulin (Desno) završavaju spmenik palim borcima u Vodnjanu, Istri.